Class globals props Node
Node class definition. The class methods simply wrap the low level extension functions which work on a "ghost" handle to a SGPropertyNode object stored in the _g field. Not all of the features of SGPropertyNode are supported. There is no support for ties, obviously, as that wouldn't make much sense from a Nasal context. The various get/set methods work only on the local node, there is no equivalent of the "relative path" variants available in C++; just use node.getNode(path).whatever() instead.
adjustValue works like setDoubleValue but adds the argument to the current value of the node
sub n from int property, do nothing, if prop type is not int n will be integer and defaults to 1
add n to int property, do nothing, if prop type is not int n will be integer and defaults to 1
checks if a string can be used as a prop name returns 0 (invalid) or 1 (valid) as string operations are expensive, use this only when necessary, especially do not use in update loops
replaces any invalid char by "_" as string operations are expensive, use this only when necessary, especially do not use in update loops
follow alias links to "real" node (e.g. where the data is stored) optional argument: property node or prop path to resolve if no argument is given, operate on current obj ("me")