Library globals

Source canvas . PropertyElement.nas

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# PropertyElement
# ==============================================================================
# Baseclass for all property controlled elements/objects
var PropertyElement = {
  # Constructor
  # @param node     Node to be used for element or vector [parent, type] for
  #                 creation of a new node with name type and given parent
  # @param id       ID/Name (Should be unique)
  new: func(node, id)
    if (isvec(node)) {
      var node = aircraft.makeNode(node[0]).addChild(node[1], 0, 0);
    else {
      var node = aircraft.makeNode(node);

    if( !isa(node, props.Node) )
      return debug.warn("Not a props.Node!");

    var m = {
      parents: [PropertyElement],
      _node: node

    if( id != nil )
      m.set("id", id);

    return m;
  # Destructor (has to be called manually!)
  del: func()
  set: func(key, value)
    me._node.getNode(key, 1).setValue(value);
    return me;
  setBool: func(key, value)
    me._node.getNode(key, 1).setBoolValue(value);
    return me;
  setDouble: func(key, value)
    me._node.getNode(key, 1).setDoubleValue(value);
    return me;
  setInt: func(key, value)
    me._node.getNode(key, 1).setIntValue(value);
    return me;
  get: func(key, default = nil)
    var node = me._node.getNode(key);
    if( node != nil )
      return node.getValue();
      return default;
  getBool: func(key)
    me._node.getNode(key, 1).getBoolValue();
  # Trigger an update of the element
  # Elements are automatically updated once a frame, with a delay of one frame.
  # If you wan't to get an element updated in the current frame you have to use
  # this method.
  update: func
    me.setBool("update", 1);